Error Can Be The Teacher Of All Wisdom - Keithjallong

  Train your mind to think, and reshape the target to what it is aimed at. Please don't let the faint of heart be sad. For our life to not live arrives soon, where to aim to reach a certain point in time is tentative. See less is to know less in the grade to oblige, rather than internal action, a way to develop a path to achieve a better self.

People are usually imperfect by nature, it depends on how you decide to accept your weaknesses, but the people around you will not forget to keep reminding you of your weaknesses so that you can determine your peace. The journey never ends. Spread love wherever you go because death is near and life is harder.

  Today will go, tomorrow never. Realizing how much you have diminished, you have a stance to understand. Why is the future dead, where do you say don't lie, why do you have to cry before you try, I say come on then, before I run again.

Usually, at some point in our sobriety, we all get hurt. But the key is to apologize when you hurt someone and never expect someone to be perfect. What you and they build together requires an open heart or honesty from the start, so be honest.

I want to stay with you once, and I flirt twice, if you're crazy it's easy, but if you're busy making yourself stable, let both of you be ready. Never blame what has been done, just focus on what will be done wrong, even if it will be done.

Because we cannot prove that we are right if we make a mistake, but the right is often blamed for the wrong. Now, what's wrong? then why are they angry if they are good people? Sin reveals what is true.

  A common mistake we make is walking away from someone who is just standing there waiting for us. But that's normal because everyone makes mistakes, usually a good person will give in to your mistakes if he realizes that your actions are wrong.

None of us ever plan to make a wrong move, even robbers don't want any mistakes in their execution. That thing happens when you don't have a plan for it, then out of nowhere, it happens.

The influence of error is the best because error is the teacher of all wisdom, and the formula is:

Y U X - B4 2 B = S 1

(Why You Act Negative Before To Be Equal As One)


S U X + I M D 1 = 8 1.

(As You Act Positive I Am The One Equal At One)

S 1 8 1 ( As One At One ) with - + happens, that's why I have to act NEGATIVE ​​to make your part happen. (- | = +)

A warrior is zero without error, with the error of their wisdom never narrowing.

Before acting, evaluate the action.

"B 4 U X, C D X B 4 2 X".

Make a spectacular mistake. Make mistakes that no one has ever made before. Don't freeze, don't stop, don't worry. Whatever you're afraid to do, do it.-Neil Gaiman

Mistakes can make you fail but they never fail, and they never fail to perform a role. If you never believe mistakes are rights you only see right mistakes. There is no mistake, but nothing narrows your intellect either, everything happens for a motive, and there is an objective behind everything.

  By forcing what is right, to prove that what is right is also wrong because what is wrong has given the right error. To prove is a mistake, to claim what is a real right is a mistake. But it doesn't matter if you make mistakes, progress will slow down or divert your life motive, but if you make mistakes and then learn from them, you are way ahead of all the unsuccessful people.

Our experiences give us many opportunities to realize how or who can change something in our life, if you know someone in your life who might change your life, stay with them, they only exist once in a lifetime. And for those who don't make a difference in your life, let them be themselves because they are good to be themselves.

Complete amazing achievements. There will probably be moments in your life that one day you can look back on. The best vision for today is tomorrow because today's success is what was planned yesterday, then today sets another new plan.

  Whether it's a day or the first day is up to you, you experience it or it's an experience it will all be an example. Even those who believe in magic still plan to be more complicated and to face that complicated situation, they plan to continue training in the best possible way.

Plan your every day like the sun plans the day, which starts from the sun itself, and becomes Sunday, the world is on Monday, on Tuesday to use all day, on Wednesday go for two more days, just believe the day on Thursday, then Friday is free with the day before closed on Saturday. If your plans have been interrupted, it opens the door to other opportunities, which we have planned.

Popcorn pops in the same hot oil used to fry eggs." -Keithjallong
It's only a matter of chance that changes plans, not character. A different attitude doesn't mean you won't get great results. The only impossible thing is the perspective not to stop us from continuing to achieve the goal. To be brilliant does not require talent, to be smart depends on how you make it happen.

Miracles will not come to you if you never do the reasonable with the impossible. Don't let people decide "No" if you know there is a "Yes". Remember, if you can't do it twice because being smart never happens all at once. If people ask how far your plans are, tell them, I plan to be so far away that I can't hear you anymore.

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